Data processing and digital cartography

Our Data Processing and GIS Department integrates datasets and provides thematic maps and databases. Software is a key component of delivering high quality solutions. Following acquisition, data processing is crucial in achieving high quality results. Our staff is periodically trained in order to keep up to date with the latest developments of processing software and GIS solutions. Our company owns licenses for the following professional software:
  • ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop - GIS. Geospatial database, advanced analysis, geoprocessing, cartographic production process
  • ESRI Arc GIS for Server - GIS. Managing geodata , webmap application, sharing digital models and maps
  • Hypack  2014 –  Complete solution for integrated acquisition, processing and interpretation of data from various survey systems. The results can be delivered in a sturdy integrated way.
  • GS+ 3.60 - Acquisition, processing, interpretation and visualization of GeoSwath Plus data
  • Delph Sonar - Side-scan data acquisition, processing, interpretation and visualization
  • Delph Seismic - Subbottom profiler software for acquisition, processing and interpretation
  • QTC Swathview and Clams- Backscatter analysis, acoustic classification and map contouring
  • Starfish Scanline - Starfish sidescan data acquisition
  • VectorMap  - AUV mission planning, mission control and data visualization
  • Sonar Pro 12.2 – Acquisition and processing of Klein UUV-3500 data.
  • Surfer 11 - GIS. 3D visualization, contouring and surface modeling package