Imagenex Delta T

The Imagenex Delta T multibeam acoustic mapping system is mounted on the Ocean Server Iver 2 AUV. The sonar provides high precision 3D models of the bottom. The mounting on AUVs provides greater mobility, including shallow waters. It can use 120, 240 and 480 beams in a 120° fan for a better control of the resolution, at a frequency of 260 kHz. The resolution can get up to 0.2% of the swath, in waters as shallow as 0.5 meters.

The OceanServer Iver2 AUV has a working autonomy of more than 8 hours. It navigates using GNSS data on surface and Sontek 6 beams DVL and inertial sensors underwater. The communication is done using Wi-Fi and IRIDIUM satellites. OceanServer Iver2 is 100 m depth rated and is equipped with CTD sensors.